Greg Schouten
fitness &Athletic Specialist
Greg Schouten has over 27 years experience as an athlete and coach, in Olympic Weightlifting as well as strength and conditioning, teaching Physical Education, and coaching sports.

NSCA- CSCS; Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
USAWeightlifting Certified - Level 2
Strength and Performance Coach since 2007
Physical Education Teacher/Adapted Physical Education Teacher since 2011
Boys and Girls Track Coach/Flag Football Coach since 2011
Head and Asst Boys and Girls Track Coach- San Jacinto HS (1996-2007)
Head Weightlifting Coach- San Jacinto HS (1998-2002)
Football Team Strength and Conditioning Coach- San Jacinto HS (1998-2001)
2010 Single Subject Teaching Credential- Physical Education (Chapman/Brandman Univ)
2003 Bachelor of Science- Kinesiology (CSU San Bernardino)
2000 Associate of Science, Math/Science (Mount San Jacinto College)
As Track and Field coach at San Jacinto HS:
37 league champions, 83 CIF qualifiers, 27 CIF Finalists
3 State qualifiers
As Strength and Conditioning Coach:
10+ athletes to college scholarships
20+ athletes competing at National level weightlifting competitions
14 athletes finishing in the top 10 at those National level weightlifting meets
7 National level medalists
1 Olympic Trials competitor
1996 U.S. Olympic Team- Alternate
Member of Men’s National Team-(2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 1996)
2004, 2000 and 1996 Olympic Team Trials Participant
Medalist at Men’s National Championships 2005-(3rd), 2004-(3rd), 2003-(2nd), 2002-(3rd), 1999-(3rd), 1998-(2nd), 1996-(2nd). 2002 Snatch National Champion 2003 World Championships Team Member
2003 Pan Am Games Team Member
2003 World University Championships Team Member
2002 World University Championships Team Member-(5th place)
2002 University National Champion
2002 Male University Lifter of the Year
2002 Criollo Cup-(2nd place) Snatch Champion
2002 Mermet Cup Champion
2001 Pan Am Team Member
2001 World Team Trials-(1st place)
1998 North American, Central America, Caribbean Island Championships Team Member-(3rd)
1996 Outstanding U.S. Male Junior Weightlifter of the Year
1996 Junior World Championships Team Member-(9th)
1995 Junior World Championships Team Member-(14th)
Two time Junior National Champion 1996, 1994 and 1995-(2nd)